Aus England…

Martin Oliver: Herr Tams,
Please excuse my lack of German, I hope you understand English.
I have been recommended to contact you with the hope that you may be able to help.

I have a photo which my aunt believes may be the photo of her lost sisters mother.
My own mother and two aunts became aware of the fact that my grandfather had a daughter from Schleswig after the war.

The story is that my grandfather stayed in Germany after the Second World War for two years.
During that time he fell in love with a local girl and wanted to stay in Germany. Unfortunately the British army sent him back to the UK.
My grandfather, after time, subsequently met and married my grandmother and had 3 daughters.
Unknown to him, the mother of the girl from Schleswig wrote to his parents and informed them that her daughter had given birth to a baby girl. This fact was kept from my grandfather for many years and was never spoken about. When he did find out I believe he tried to trace her but to no avail.
He revealed most of this to his daughters before he died.
We do not have a lot to go on but the photo may help and of course his name Gordon Glover and he was from the Leeds area of West Yorkshire in England.

I have attached the photo, front and back which if you could look at and or publish if you think would help we would be extremely grateful.
I would like to thank you in advance for your time and reading this message.

Kind regards, Marty Oliver

Admin: Diese Nachricht vom 26,10. 2020 habe ich jetzt erst bei Facebook gefunden. Gordon Glover war also britischer Soldat in Schleswig und verliebte sich in ein Mädchen aus Schleswig, das eine Tochter von ihm hatte. Das Foto von Foto-Holste zeigt vielleicht dieses Mädchen.
Die Hoffnung von Martin Oliver ist jetzt, dass noch etwas herauszufinden ist. Kann geholfen werden?

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